The modern education is based on the latest technical knowledge gained by the scientists all over the world. It is true that most of the research in this field has been made by the scientists in abroad but the Indian scientists to have given their more contribution to the modern science and technology. However, due to shortage of financial assistance and other sources, they were helpless to conduct the research comparatively to other countries.
 It is not only difficult but quite impossible to test the disease without the help of modern medical equipments and skill equipment for this purpose we have to purchase these medical equipments from other countries. There is a great demand of these equipments in India as well as great demand of good expert technicians, those can handle foreign modern equipments. At present there are some Institutions / Training Centres who are imparting Skill and Medical and Technical Trainings to the students but still the number of skill training centres and Medical Technicians are very low and not upto the mark.
In India Govt., Semi Govt., Private Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Medical Examination Laboratories, X-Ray/ECG Centres, Ultra Sound Centres, Blood Bank, Physio Therapy etc., and gold related stores and various industries are increasing day by day and accordingly demand of Medical Technicians and various skill technicians are also increased but there is a great shortage of expert/trained technicians who could handle the latest modern Medical Instruments/ skill equipments, Machines and Apparatus which are needed to diagnose the diseases and various faults.. Thus untrained youths are employed to handle these instruments which is very risky job and some time there is a chance of death due to wrong reports. Before having operation the report of different tests has a great significance but no solution of this problem is at present due to short-age or non availability of trained and expert Medical and other Technicians.
We have faced many problems in this field due to non-availability of trained Technicians. To improve and over come to this problem they made up their mind to do something in this field for the betterment for the society and the nation. We established an Organization named "VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION - VEDO " and to open training centres throughout India where high level training could be provided to the students. VEDO is vocational training unit of a Registered Organization named "Para Medical Science and Technology Society",  which is Registered in New Delhi Govt. ( Registration No. S- 52552 - 2005 ) under Societies Registration Act 1860 section 21 having its Administrative Office at different states as regional office and establishing Vocational Training Centers throughout India according to its by laws. VEDO is now affiliate with some other Indian universities and some other registered education boards in abroad to give efficient vocational training. After getting training students are awarded concern universities / boards' Diploma/Certificates & Mark-sheet after completion of their training through this Organization..
            Note:- Vocational Education and Development Organization will neither give t nor assure to a trained person for job or any placement in Government Services. You may get Govt job by your effort with the help of our certificate.
;                                                                                                                                                                             Appropriate Authority -VEDO